'Proof' of New Lanark ghost

STAFF at the New Lanark Mill Hotel are convinced they have successfully captured a ghost on CCTV.

Over the years a number of sightings have been reported but, until now, no evidence was available to back up the claims.

That has all changed thanks to clear CCTV footage of the hotel's rear car park — showing something so extraordinary that general manager John Stirrat is sure it is a ghost.

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He said: "We were routinely reviewing CCTV footage taken in the early hours of May 12 in our rear car park.

"Between 1.30am and 3am we were startled to see, quite clearly, a mysterious ghostly shape in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, which came and went.

"No staff, guests or members of the public were outside at the time, so it is definitely not human nor a trick of the light."

The footage shows a small bright figure, about four feet high, possibly a child, dressed in luminous white.

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